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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
Raushanah Bashir   -   Spring, TX

Good Day, Been a notary since the summer of 2019. I am commissioned, have a background check as per requirement of national notary association. I am also insured and bonded. I have taken my national real estate exam and passed, and I still have to prepare for state exam. So I do have knowledge in real estate. I have also like many homeowners myself went through the process of buying and selling a home. I am friendly and trustworthy and have no problem answering questions to clients or colleagues in the business. I have no problem doing mobile or GNW. Thank you and have a wonderful 2022.

  View Original  This profile was last updated on 9/29/2022.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
E-mail:Please try back during normal business hours

23210 Goodfellow Dr
Spring, TX 77373

Notary Details
Has Laser Printer:Yes
Home Inspections:Yes

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