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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by VT_Syrup on 8/3/22 8:08am
Real estate practices vary a bit from one state to another, and the original post didn't say what state the time share is in. But in all the states where I've owned property, "title" is an abstract concept; it means whoever owns the property. It's not like a car where there is a specific piece of paper issued by the state called a title. So taking someone's name off title is just an expression meaning filing some combination of papers so the person no longer owns the property. The person's name would not be removed from an existing grant deed; the existing grant deed (or other equivalent document) would be superseded by a new document (presumably the one Janet_CA was asked to notarize).
In all the states I've owned property in, grant deeds and similar documents are only signed by the grantor (the person who is giving up ownership) and NOT by the grantee (the person who is becoming an owner). I've never seen one where the grantee was blank. |