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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by Kellosh/CA on 2/22/21 11:00am
These are all things I read when researching the vaccine, so I'm just the messenger on this one.
The body has to process the exposure and create/fine-tune the antibodies. This process can take up to four weeks, but generally in most reports I've read it states you should have the benefit of the vaccine in most cases after two weeks. Getting COVID and getting over it does create antibodies, I've also read, but only to the particular strain you had, and may not prevent a second occurrence. Often, people who get COVID a second time are much more ill then than the first time for the same reason the second dose of the vaccine often has more dramatic side effects than the first: your body recognizes what's invading it and knows hot to respond, so it turns your defense up to 11 as soon as possible.
I also read a single opinion piece (so take with a grain of salt) from an epidemiologist last week who said that while they don't conclusively know if the vaccine would keep one from being a carrier, he did say if it doesn't, that would be the first time any vaccine didn't have that effect.