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 Re: Non payment and now what?
Posted by  Yoli/CA on 11/16/24 11:37am

What does their legal department have to say about this? If the file is in the hands of the legal department and that legal department is withholding payment for services rendered, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the BAR association of whatever state they're located in.

First, send a certified letter (or email with read option on) to the branch manager who hired you with cc to their headquarters' president/CEO/operations manager/legal counsel. Said letter/email should list the file number, date of signing, amount agreed to and should have a copy of your confirmation. Advise them that notary payment was due on XX date and that upon inquiring about payment, you've been told "the legal department has the file" and no other information is forthcoming. Further advise that given these non-results, they leave you no alternative but to proceed to file a complaint with their states' BAR association and the licensing agency for the title company and CFPB if payment is not received by (within 1 week from date of receipt or whatever other reasonable timetable you want to give them).

Second. If payment is not received by deadline, proceed to filing those complaints.

Kimmy, you were hired to provide a service (that's a contract). You provided that service. Now it's time for them to complete that contract and pay you.

Good luck and let us know how this progresses. Smile
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