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 Opinions, please..... and comments, TIA (not too long)
Posted by  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 9:33pm

I've been re-reading Dee's post, and Accurate Signings response and it's made me ask a question I've always wondered about.

Here's the thing: in my position, I hear from all sorts of people regarding signings. I'm different, that is for sure. A Title Officer, Subdivision Consultant, a long-time Notary and self-employed part time, once a full time business owner catering to Builder/Developers. For all those who think I'm trying to impress, all that means is I'm old and have a lot of experience in this business.

I hear from very professional NSA's who follow instructions to the letter (here on NR), friends from my day-job....escrow assistants that want to make some extra money and just sort of wing it, and EO's that sit at a tract all weekend, making $1800 in two days (also winging it, from what I can tell) and those extra special notaries that have the trust of the escrow staff and have a steady stream of work.

When I question the above-mentioned, I get a much different take on the details of a signing...aka "sign-up" never "a closing".

I hear "never, ever explain the documents. Only introduce them, and instruct to sign where indicated". Or, Just Point And Sign. (nice, if you can get the work)

I hear "it doesn't matter about the color of ink. The Recorder accepts black and blue" (no mention of the lender). When I ask...what about the lender instructions, I get a blank look.

I hear "faxbacks? Huh?" and get a blank look. Same goes for the babysitting phone calls.

From the notaries who are the 'darlings' of the escrow personnel, and practically have an office in my building, they are loathe to talk to me at all...perhaps they read Notary Rotary.

Yet when I read posts here...especially by folks like Roger_OH, who defines the difference between a Signing Agent and a just sort of contradicts what I see in real life.

Are those professional SA's here (NR) guilty of being stiff-necked, compulsive, anal-retentive notaries when just being a good notary and acceptably good SA's who serve the industry are JUST as good?

So, I just gotta ask the question because I get two messages, do you all really read these instructions and follow them to the letter? The only reason I ask is because the lender writes the same just seems how well they are followed depends on the recipient. And truthfully, I don't see any downside to signing with blue ink when the instructions demand black...that DT records, regardless. I see TC staff just sort of flying by the seat of their pants...signing and stamping, and everything goes just fine! Then I catch up on NR and the message is totally different...."you must do it right or the earth will open up and swallow you whole".

Just trying to be clear in my own head. Sorry for the ramblings and truly appreciate your honest comments.

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