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Well done...
Posted by  Sherri_NWA of AR on 4/4/06 10:51pm Msg #111083
Dear Accurate,

I applaude your honesty and agree with TitleGal, it is refreshing. Just as in the corporate system, the more times a project (or loan) goes through the different pair of hands, many things can and will happen to it. It is Murphy's law.

As far as the industry is concerned, the industry may demand change but it still has not fixed the previous hiccups from the last version so here we are with the newest forms, price cuts, fee issues, and still a high demand of loans not to mention the people on every level that are stressed and disgruntled. Sounds like a potion for disaster. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the borrowers that want their loan yesterday.

Well, I usually don't post like this but after working on taxes for the last few hours, I felt the need to voice my opinion a little.

Have a great night.

~Sherri in Arkansas
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Messages in this Thread
 Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 2:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 3:06pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Anonymous from on 4/4/06 5:44pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:02pm
 Thank you for sharing this info... -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 6:14pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:26pm
 How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:32pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:38pm
 Re: How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:49pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:53pm
 Re: How very refreshing... Question to TitleGal -  John_NorCal on 4/4/06 9:44pm
 John, I'll have to ask. -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 10:10pm
 Well done... -  Sherri_NWA on 4/4/06 10:51pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - MichiganAl on 4/4/06 8:58pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 10:24pm

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