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Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS?
Posted by MichiganAl of MI on 4/5/06 9:39am Msg #111152
Well, I assume they hear some pretty lame excuses from notaries on a daily basis about why they're aren't available (not in any way saying that about your illness). They really have no way of knowing if you're legitimately ill or just unreliable so I suppose they might just move on to calling someone else more regularly. They need someone who's available and when you're self employed and not available to do the work they request, the cold hard truth is that they're probably just going to find someone else (unless you've really built a solid long-term relationship with them).
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Messages in this Thread
 Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? n/m - cfwMI on 4/5/06 8:23am
 Re: I mean black balled? n/m - cfwMI on 4/5/06 8:24am
 Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 8:24am
 Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? - cfwMI on 4/5/06 8:54am
 Re: correction - cfwMI on 4/5/06 9:06am
 Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? -  Charm_AL on 4/5/06 9:33am
 Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? - MichiganAl on 4/5/06 9:39am
 Re: Extreme Illness, does that get you black listed with SS? n - natick on 4/5/06 8:50am
 Just speaking from personal experience - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 9:30am
 Re: Just speaking from personal experience - Teddog_CO on 4/5/06 9:39am
 Re: Just speaking from personal experience - LawrenceOK on 4/5/06 9:56am
 Re: Just speaking from personal experience -  cfwMI on 4/5/06 9:58am
 and THAT is the exact reason why you did the right thing - SueW/Tn on 4/5/06 11:40am

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