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Re: O/T but very near to my heart..
Posted by Cris_AR of AR on 4/5/06 9:43am Msg #111157
Sorry about your brother.

You taught me something today, great info. I will copy info and email .
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Messages in this Thread
 O/T but very near to my heart.. - SueW/Tn on 4/5/06 8:48am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 9:07am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/5/06 9:07am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. - BP/WV on 4/5/06 9:18am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. -  Charm_AL on 4/5/06 9:27am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. - Cris_AR on 4/5/06 9:43am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. - Brenda/CA on 4/5/06 11:11am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. - rlogan_ca on 4/5/06 11:13am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart.. -  Renee Kovacs on 4/6/06 5:30am
 Re: O/T but very near to my heart..also ask them to .... - newlysmomva on 4/6/06 8:30am

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