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Thanks for sharing this Sherry
Posted by  MistarellaFL of FL on 4/5/06 10:30am Msg #111180
(with tears streaming down my face this morning)

And thank you, soldiers and vetrans.
It's not said enough, but I do appreciate all you and your families have sacrificed for us and our country and way of life.
May God bless each and every one of you..
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Messages in this Thread
 o/t this is really cool. -  Sherri_NWA on 4/5/06 10:16am
 Thanks for sharing this Sherry -  MistarellaFL on 4/5/06 10:30am
 Thanks for sharing Sherri, it's a really great song. n/m -  kkdmiddleton on 4/5/06 10:33am
 What a sacrifice they made!and young men are now! n/m -  Ilona_OH on 4/5/06 11:08am
 What a sacrifice. It touched my heart. -  Sherri_NWA on 4/5/06 11:46am
 Re: o/t this is really cool. -  cfwMI on 4/5/06 4:02pm

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