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Re: Where aare you in FL, anon?
Posted by PA_Notary_II of PA on 4/5/06 12:20pm Msg #111237
I think she was asking where in Florida are you located. In answer to your question, at a purchase closing there are other things to be considered than just the loan docs. There is the matter of down payment monies, deed execution, check delivery to the seller and other items noted by the title co that need attended to. Usually, if you service the sellers first, then you can have them step outside so you can have the bwrs sign the loan docs in privacy. If in doubt, ask the title co exactly what's required at closing.
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Messages in this Thread
 Purchase closing questions - Anonymous from on 4/5/06 12:04pm
 Where aare you in FL, anon? n/m -  MistarellaFL on 4/5/06 12:07pm
 Re: Where aare you in FL, anon? - Anonymous from on 4/5/06 12:10pm
 Re: Where aare you in FL, anon? - PA_Notary_II on 4/5/06 12:20pm
 Re: Where aare you in FL, anon? - Anonymous from on 4/5/06 1:05pm
 Anon, you're getting ripped off by the SS that hired you.... -  MistarellaFL on 4/5/06 5:26pm
 Clarification: -  MistarellaFL on 4/5/06 5:30pm
 Re: Anon, you're getting ripped off by the SS that hired you.... - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 11:46am
 Re: Purchase closing questions - JO_PA on 4/5/06 2:11pm
 Re: Purchase closing questions - sue_pa on 4/5/06 3:06pm

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