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Early Good Morning to You All! Have a Great & Busy Day!!
Posted by Teddog_CO of CO on 4/6/06 5:00am Msg #111460
Starting early this morning. Stop at the feed store before (the games begin) expecting a storm here running into Friday morning. Just thought feed for the critters would be a dandy idea. You never know in Colorado 70 one day and the blizzard of the century the next day. Spring time in the Rockies! lol

Everyone have a great day!

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Messages in this Thread
 Early Good Morning to You All! Have a Great & Busy Day!! - Teddog_CO on 4/6/06 5:00am
 Already fed the birds in CT, too. - Ernest__CT on 4/6/06 6:09am
 Re: Already fed the birds in CT, too. -  MelissaCT on 4/6/06 9:11am
 Good Morning Teddog and All! n/m - SLP_VA on 4/6/06 6:09am
 Re: Good Morning Teddog and All! - Beth/MD on 4/6/06 7:56am
 Good morning Notaryville!Off to make -  Ilona_OH on 4/6/06 6:58am
 Re: Good morning Notaryville!Off to make - Beth/MD on 4/6/06 7:57am
 Re: Good morning Notaryville! n/m - srnotary_CA on 4/6/06 9:19am
 To you too T-dog! Springtime in the Rockies.... -  Bonnie_CO on 4/6/06 9:45am

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