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Re: Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance...
Posted by patricia of CA on 5/14/06 5:58pm Msg #119823
I am surprised that so many persons fell for these people, they called me to do some signings when they first started in business, it seemed obvious that Jim Nance did not know anything about the loan signing business and he was operating on his cell phone, the times I did call him the background sounded like he was in a bar.
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Messages in this Thread
 Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance... - AngelinaAZ on 5/14/06 12:55am
 Re: Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance... -  Ndwa on 5/14/06 1:47am
 Re: Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance... - patricia on 5/14/06 5:58pm
 I did a signing for them in 2004.. -  Nicole_NCali on 5/14/06 6:57pm
 Can you see the 'L' on my forehead??? - AngelinaAZ on 5/14/06 11:44pm
 Re: Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance... - Cheryl_NV on 8/1/06 4:34pm
 Re: Trust Notary Services... Jim Nance... - Cheryl_NV on 9/30/06 10:34pm

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