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Re: I'm going to Sam's - Mista' Rella
Posted by  Jan_In of IN on 5/14/06 9:06pm Msg #119845
I went to Sam's yesterday and bought Liquimax and it cost $11.86. Are you sure about the price - or is Indiana that much more expensive???
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Messages in this Thread
 OT - Sam's: $1.31 Liquid Vitamins :: Non-Water Drinkers -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 8:41am
 LMAO! -  Cherilyn_CO on 5/13/06 9:36am
 Re: LMAO! - Cherilyn -  Sylvia_FL on 5/13/06 10:18am
 Re: LMAO! - Cherilyn - I'll check and get back to you. n/m -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 11:12am
 Re: OT - Sam's: Vitamin Queries - Here you are... -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 11:27am
 I'm going to Sam's -  MistarellaFL on 5/13/06 11:37am
 Re: I'm going to Sam's - Mista' Rella -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 7:32pm
 Re: I'm going to Sam's - Mista' Rella -  Jan_In on 5/14/06 9:06pm
 Re: I'm going to Sam's - Mista' Rella -  BrendaTx on 5/14/06 9:11pm
 Re: I'm going to Sam's - Mista' Rella - Dlars_FL on 5/15/06 12:46pm

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