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sending notary commission to ss
Posted by Anonymous from of CT on 5/15/06 9:22am Msg #119895
i was asked to send a w-9, driver's license copy of E&O, and notary commissionn
i really am not sure of giving all this info out, also notary commission? is that my certificate or my stamp? forgive me if i sound stupid .can someone help me out ?i really dont feel comfortable. i called and said i would send the agreement and w-9(without my ss#) . i really appreciate the reassurance. thanks.
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Messages in this Thread
 sending notary commission to ss - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 9:22am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - cyndi_ca on 5/15/06 9:30am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 9:40am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - cyndi_ca on 5/15/06 9:43am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - MonicaFL on 5/15/06 9:46am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 9:51am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - cyndi_ca on 5/15/06 9:51am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 9:58am
 Re: sending notary commission to ss -  PAW on 5/15/06 12:44pm
 Do not send a copy of your seal if you are a FL notary. -  PAW on 5/15/06 1:07pm
 Re: sending notary commission to ss -  lulu on 5/15/06 11:09am

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