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Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm
Posted by  BrendaTx of TX on 5/19/06 10:21am Msg #121007
I think an accurate way to state it is that Charm just feels like crap...draggy and she's not sure why. No need to speculate because I do not know, actually.

I think she just needs a good old fashion ice water flush out. That'll cure what ails you. You'd be so glad when it was over that you'd never feel ill again.

Seriously, I operate under the assumption and prayer that it's just one of those things that never gets a name but keeps you refocusing on what's important. Sometimes we don't get to control or name everything in spite of the doctors wishes that they could. Sometimes our bodies are smarter than we are.

Charm is still working and doing her job as perfectly as before, but I'd say she's just resting more right now. I really don't know squat, if you want to know the truth.

I have every belief that our Charm will be well and that this is just one of those crappy mysteries that makes you feel so grateful you are okay, but sort of sheepish like...was I really sick??? We'll celebrate that soon.

I do not minimize her feeling badly, I just refuse to speculate that her need for absence at this time is anything but a passing mystery.

When you do not give these things a name, you don't give them so much power over the peace of mind of the person who needs it.

Laugh if you will, but my Policy Manual (aka Bible) says that the power of life and death lies in our words and how we choose to use them. (Proverbs 18:21 ). Therefore, where Charm is concerned my words will only report that she'll be up and on her feet and better than ever once this interlude is over.

How we speak of others and how we talk about ourselves eventually does seem to shape reality. Whether or not you believe in the Bible, that's something I see to be a relative truth in all the theaters of life around me.

I did not always believe that the Bible had so much wisdom to offer me, but find it to be an excellent text for what ails me and/or my mind now to say the least now that I am older and wiser .

Send me $25 and I have a nice prayer cloth for you made from one of Benny Hinn's old suits trimmed nicely with a lock from his comb-over.
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Messages in this Thread
 Starting a new thread re: Charm - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 9:39am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 9:43am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 9:47am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 9:49am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 10:21am
 Brenda, those are the words of a good steward -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 10:31am
 Re: Brenda, those are the words of a good Mistarella - OT -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 11:34am
 Brenda...tsk tsk tsk - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 1:57pm
 Re: Brenda...Winny...I am not even sure what you... -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 3:22pm
 Re: Brenny...Winny...I am not even sure what you... - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 3:42pm
 But, Winny, you talk so purty... -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 4:41pm
 My check is in the mail, BrendaTx! n/m - Marlene/USNA on 5/19/06 10:34am
 Re: My check is in the mail, BrendaTx! Maureen - -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 11:35am
 Re: Charm - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 9:55am
 Re: We miss you Charm! Feel better soon!!!! n/m - ColleenCA on 5/19/06 10:08am
 Winston and Brenda. Thanks for the info. - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 11:53am
 Re: We miss you Charm! Feel better soon!!!! - Tess/ME on 5/19/06 1:28pm
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 5/19/06 1:52pm
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - Brenda/CA on 5/19/06 2:31pm

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