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Re: I turned down the job w/ the title co. - did i shoot mys
Posted by  TitleGalCA of CA on 5/19/06 9:04pm Msg #121191
Las, any job that would take 3 hours of drive time, plus the signing, would have to be approximately $500 for me to take it. Why are you doubting yourself?

Just because it was a title company (and a very teeny, tiny, eenie-meanie one at that) doesn't mean you should fall all over yourself.

You are a self-employed, independent contractor, so you should think of yourself as such and be discriminate about your choices of work to accept. "Black Listed"? That is a myth.

I don't think you shot yourself. If you had accepted it, then I would think you did shoot yourself.

I really hate to see these desperate that they have to post this question about taking a signing that just isn't smart business. I guess it has come to that with the NNA and
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Messages in this Thread
 I turned down the job w/ the title co. - did i shoot myself? - las_CA on 5/19/06 8:55pm
 Re: I turned down the job w/ the title co. - did i shoot mys -  TitleGalCA on 5/19/06 9:04pm
 Thanks TitleGalCA - las_CA on 5/19/06 9:13pm
 Re: Thanks TitleGalCA -  TitleGalCA on 5/19/06 9:17pm
 Thx. I'm in OC and doing this PT, evenings and weekends - las_CA on 5/19/06 9:23pm
 Good luck again, and don't be shy about email -  TitleGalCA on 5/19/06 9:28pm
 Re: I turned down the job w/ the title co. - did i shoot mys - Pat/IL on 5/20/06 10:24pm
 Re: I turned down the job w/ the title co. - did i shoot mys - Lee/AR on 5/21/06 11:30am

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