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I was diagnosed with high blood pressure........
Posted by  Mung/CA of CA on 6/3/06 3:22pm Msg #123902
in January and was put on medication. I'm 37 years old. In March I started walking/jogging every night for 40 minutes with my dog. I also started watching what I eat (drastically cut down on fast food, more fruits, veggies, and water, etc.). I had my last cigarrette on February 1st. At that time I weighed 245 pounds. As of 2 weeks ago, I weigh 210 and lowered my blood pressure enough that my doctor is going to take me off the medication. I also lowered my cholesterol from a whopping 295 to 237. Sometimes I don't feel like going for a run but then I look at photos of myself on the wall and for some reason I get motivated all of a sudden.

Bottom line:

Keep it up! You'll be happy you did.
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Messages in this Thread
 OT - Excercise -  eboughey on 6/3/06 2:49pm
 Re: OT - Excercise - meizmel on 6/3/06 2:57pm
 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure........ -  Mung/CA on 6/3/06 3:22pm
 Re: to Mung/CA-the path you have taken is the most healthy -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 3:33pm
 3 times a week -  janCA on 6/3/06 3:38pm
 Re: way to go Mung!!Hey you were going fishing. -  DellaCa on 6/3/06 3:51pm
 Okay I have the answer for your seat. Also Mung read this -  hcampersFL on 6/3/06 4:55pm
 Re: OT - Excercise - Cris_AR on 6/3/06 5:04pm
 Re: OT - Excercise - Cris_AR on 6/3/06 5:03pm
 I'm already tired just to read your messages :( - GF_CA on 6/3/06 5:47pm
 Re: OT - Excercise - Sarah/CA on 6/3/06 6:21pm
 Re: OT - Excercise-Where are you Sarah in Ca?? n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 10:12pm
 Re: OT - Excercise-Where are you Sarah in Ca?? - Sarah/CA on 6/3/06 11:02pm
 Re: OT - Excercise-Where are you Sarah in Ca??OHHHH -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/4/06 12:01am
 OT I am down here. Nice time of year but sure was hot today. n/m - Sarah/CA on 6/4/06 12:23am
 Felicidades Mung! n/m - Jenny_CA on 6/4/06 12:53pm

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