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Re: Buying a House
Posted by  John_NorCal of CA on 8/11/06 9:33pm Msg #138311
If you are paying the fees then you are the one to determine where it is spent. If you have a friend who is a signing agent then you should be able to use her assuming you are the one paying for the service. As an aside, if you aree useing an agent/Realtor then they should be the one to explain the purpose of each document, then the only thing you need is to notarize the deed of trust, etc. You shouldn't have to pay a big signing fee on your own purchase. That's my 2cents worth.
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Messages in this Thread
 Buying a House - Elizabeth Soliday on 8/11/06 9:26pm
 Re: Buying a House -  John_NorCal on 8/11/06 9:33pm
 Thank you John n/m - Elizabeth Soliday on 8/11/06 9:36pm
 Re: Buying a House -  Ndwa on 8/11/06 9:45pm
 Re: Buying a House - Elizabeth Soliday on 8/11/06 9:49pm
 Wanna n/m - TitleGalCA on 8/11/06 9:54pm
 Wanna bet, Elizabeth? Andy was right on, and correct - TitleGalCA on 8/11/06 9:56pm
 Re: Buying a House -  Becca_FL on 8/11/06 10:01pm
 Re: Buying a House - Sherri Schramm on 8/12/06 8:47am
 Re: Buying a House.....John -  Becca_FL on 8/11/06 10:00pm
 Re: Buying a House.....John -  John_NorCal on 8/11/06 10:06pm
 Not to jump in to an argument with pro's but.... - TitleGalCA on 8/11/06 10:10pm
 Re: Buying a House.....John - Gary_CA on 8/11/06 10:15pm
 Re: Buying a House.....John...Gary -  Becca_FL on 8/11/06 10:26pm
 Re: Buying a House.....John...Gary -  NCLisa on 8/11/06 10:35pm
 OOPS My bad - Gary_CA on 8/12/06 10:38am
 Re: Buying a House - CaliNotary on 8/12/06 2:29am
 Re: Buying a House -  bfd110_IN on 8/11/06 10:36pm
 When in Rome........ - Julie/MI on 8/12/06 7:39am
 Re: When in Rome........ -  Life Saving Services - Doug on 8/12/06 10:53am

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