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Re: HARRY Background Check Problems
Posted by Harry [NR] of IA on 4/3/07 2:47pm Msg #183552
Snuggles -

I would like to know what company is stating that our background check is "not good enough." All indications are that we have a background check that is superior to the NNA / Signix check. Please see Msg # 182781 to understand some of the differences. In light of this, you raise an outstanding point. If there are companies that are unwilling to recognize the NPBC Certification, we would like to know why, especially in consideration of what appear to be a couple glaring deficiencies in the NNA / Signix checks.

We really have no idea what types of arrangements were made when NNA got together with some of the nation's leading title companies behind closed doors. Early on, we had verbal commitments from a number of these companies to either evaluate or support the NPBC Certification. Since then, there has been a very peculiar silence. For example, our most recent message to Vince Lapenta and Susan Brown at Fiserv has gone unanswered. This is AFTER their legal department gave our check the "OK."

We will be following-up with some of these companies, as well as others, to see where they stand. We may also approach key lenders directly with what we have learned. The lack of support for what seems to be a superior solution and one that is much more open than the "single-source" offering raises the specter of impropriety and, in this day and age, you would think the tolerance among TCs and lenders for that type of perception would be extremely low.

In the meantime, the NPBC Certification is a superb approach for increasing marketability on Notary Rotary. We have also heard there are many companies that are satisfied with virtually any background check, regardless of source.

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Messages in this Thread
 HARRY Background Check Problems - Snuggles on 4/3/07 8:23am
 Whew...I'd love to see that letter from the SS that states - SueW/Tn on 4/3/07 9:26am
 you and me both, Sue..... n/m -  Charm_AL on 4/3/07 9:34am
 Re: I think a lot of us would including Harry n/m -  DellaCa on 4/3/07 10:06am
 Re: Whew...I'd love to see that letter from the SS that states - sue_pa on 4/3/07 10:07am
 Re: Whew...I'd love to see that letter from the SS that states -  FWP/WA on 4/3/07 1:22pm
 Re: HARRY Background Check Problems - Harry [NR] on 4/3/07 2:47pm
 Re: HARRY Background Check Problems - Snuggles on 4/4/07 12:24pm
 Re: HARRY Background Check Problems - Linda Snell on 4/3/07 8:05pm
 Re: HARRY Background Check Problems - goodgirl on 4/3/07 11:31pm
 BIDS! Oh my gosh! I'm speechless -  christiSocal on 4/4/07 12:03am

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