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Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??"
Posted by  BrendaTx of TX on 5/4/07 9:41am Msg #188771
I have caught those fine (ahem) movies on the Saturday morning tv matinees for years.

Imagine...making a fiend out of a "moth" and calling it "Mothera."
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Messages in this Thread
 FASS haven't heard from them in a while.Anyone getting calls - NC_Notary on 5/3/07 12:24pm
 Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 12:34pm
 pllbbbbt~~~ -  MistarellaFL on 5/3/07 12:44pm
 pllbbbbt~~~ Yes, that is a raspberry! n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 5:43pm
 Re: Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees? -  MICarole on 5/3/07 2:40pm
 Re: Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees? -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 6:26pm
 nada here n/m -  MelissaCT on 5/3/07 12:42pm
 Re: FASS haven't heard from them in a while.Anyone getting calls -  LindaD/NJ on 5/3/07 12:51pm
 FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 2:16pm
 "different schedulers??" Methinks from India ;) n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 5:44pm
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" - jba/fl on 5/3/07 6:21pm
 They are from the phillipines -  Allison_MI on 5/3/07 7:55pm
 Re: They are from the phillipines - really? -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 8:44am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  LindaD/NJ on 5/4/07 8:20am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  LindaD/NJ on 5/4/07 8:52am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 9:41am

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