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Looking for Notary Resources
Posted by Aaron Jones, Jr. of TX on 10/24/09 1:06pm Msg #308561
Looking for a copy of Victoria Ring's book How to Start, Operate and Market a Freelance Notary Signing Business and any other recommended reading.
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Messages in this Thread
 Looking for Notary Resources - Aaron Jones, Jr. on 10/24/09 1:06pm
 Re: Looking for Notary Resources -  MW/VA on 10/24/09 1:29pm
 Re: Looking for Notary Resources - Sylvia_FL on 10/24/09 1:40pm
 Victoria Ring jumped ship several years ago - MistarellaFL on 10/24/09 2:01pm
 Re: Victoria Ring jumped ship several years ago - Sylvia_FL on 10/24/09 3:50pm
 What pisses me off about her, is that she is purporting to -  Cari on 10/24/09 6:37pm
 Re: What pisses me off about her, is that she is purporting to -  BrendaTx on 10/24/09 7:11pm
 Aaron - Sylvia_FL on 10/24/09 8:09pm
 Re: Aaron -  Marian_in_CA on 10/24/09 10:05pm
 I met Victoria some years back , at the NNA convention in - Bob_Chicago on 10/24/09 9:48pm
 Ah, yes, the REAL Victoria R ... -  John/CT on 10/25/09 9:15am
 At one time she contacted me with an "opportunity" -  BrendaTx on 10/25/09 9:26am
 well said Brenda n/m - wisconsin on 10/25/09 12:14pm
 Re: What pisses me off about her, is that she is purporting to - JanetK_CA on 10/26/09 4:45pm
 Oh, boy.... -  Marian_in_CA on 10/24/09 10:40pm
 She's making her next million -  Todd/OH on 10/25/09 3:18pm
 Re: Looking for Notary Resources - A S Johnson on 10/24/09 7:39pm
 Re: I own this book -  Claudine Osborne on 10/25/09 9:52pm

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