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Re: Does anyone know who these people are?
Posted by desktopfull of FL on 1/2/10 6:21pm Msg #316434
Threatening someone with collections if they don't renew a membership seems a bit strange. Especially if you have never done business with them. WOW!
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Messages in this Thread
 Does anyone know who these people are? -  MonicaFL on 1/2/10 6:12pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Margie Pratl on 1/2/10 6:15pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - desktopfull on 1/2/10 6:21pm
 I'm constantly getting junk from them -  Linda_H/FL on 1/2/10 6:50pm
 Someone I don't think I'd want to affiliate with! - JanetK_CA on 1/2/10 6:59pm
 I agree. n/m - desktopfull on 1/2/10 7:07pm
 Things people will do for - Alz on 1/2/10 8:59pm
 Re: Things people will do for -  Claudine Osborne on 1/2/10 9:40pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Kevin/Ct on 1/3/10 2:58am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Kevin/Ct on 1/3/10 2:58am
 Obviously it's not n/m - CaliNotary on 1/3/10 1:42pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? -  MW/VA on 1/3/10 9:31am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Sylvia_FL on 1/3/10 9:34am
 Also check message thread out - 241304 n/m - Sylvia_FL on 1/3/10 9:39am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - PA_Notary_II on 1/4/10 10:15am
 I wrote back about the "Collections" -  Todd/OH on 1/3/10 11:53am
 If you dig around you will find they are affiliated -  BrendaTx on 1/3/10 12:55pm
 Re: If you dig around you will find they are affiliated - SanDiegoCA on 1/5/10 6:15pm

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