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I got on here late, I'm glad to see that some here still
Posted by  Charles_Ca of CA on 1/11/10 8:13pm Msg #317653
have some backbone! The entitlement mentality has taken over here in droves. I am glad to see that the stalwartrs on this site still stand up for what's right. Kudos Brenda, Sue, Sylvia and jba, nice work I came on here late today and I think that enough has been said by you all already.
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Messages in this Thread
 thank you Becca -  pjc on 1/11/10 1:17pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  MW/VA on 1/11/10 2:26pm
 Re: thank you Becca - Riley/FL on 1/11/10 2:53pm
 Re: thank you Becca - Karen Riley on 1/11/10 3:12pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  Brasring_Ca on 1/11/10 3:15pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  Yoli/CA on 1/11/10 3:28pm
 Can you post a copy?... n/m - MrEd_Ca on 1/11/10 3:28pm
 Re: Can you post a copy?... -  MrEd_Ca on 1/11/10 3:29pm
 Re: Can you post a copy?... -  Frances Kany on 1/11/10 3:43pm
 I DO NOT think a copy should be posted... -  BrendaTx on 1/11/10 3:56pm
 Amen Bren n/m - SueW/Tn on 1/11/10 3:59pm
 And it's really nasty to see some of those that - SueW/Tn on 1/11/10 4:06pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  pjc on 1/11/10 6:23pm
 Re: And it's really nasty to see some of those that - Sylvia_FL on 1/11/10 6:32pm
 Re: And it's really nasty to see some of those that -  jba/fl on 1/11/10 6:51pm
 I got on here late, I'm glad to see that some here still -  Charles_Ca on 1/11/10 8:13pm
 Agree w/Brenda. This is essentially 'intellectual property' - Lee/AR on 1/11/10 4:22pm
 Completely agree, also. To anyone who is asking for this... - JanetK_CA on 1/11/10 4:49pm
 I'm in TOTAL agreement on this! Intellectual property -  jba/fl on 1/11/10 4:38pm
 LOL!! I see we're on the same page again! ;>) n/m - JanetK_CA on 1/11/10 4:50pm
 Re: LOL!! I see we're on the same page again! ;>) - Chris Anthony on 1/11/10 5:33pm
 Thanks, I am a writer, I feel that -  BrendaTx on 1/11/10 8:13pm
 5 Star reply on this! n/m - desktopfull on 1/11/10 9:14pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  MW/VA on 1/11/10 9:11pm
 Re: thank you Becca - Miriam Dahl on 6/23/10 1:14pm
 Re: thank you Becca -  jba/fl on 6/23/10 1:35pm

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