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Re: Here's a link I found to the specs on your printer...
Posted by Linda Juenger of IL on 1/12/10 10:48am Msg #317717
Thanks. I was looking all over my printer to see if it said it somewhere, even looked at all the settings and just didn't see it. Duh, didn't think to look online. lol
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Messages in this Thread
 Post script driver on printer - Linda Juenger on 1/12/10 9:59am
 Re: Post script driver on printer -  jba/fl on 1/12/10 10:39am
 Here's a link I found to the specs on your printer... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 10:41am
 Re: Here's a link I found to the specs on your printer... - Linda Juenger on 1/12/10 10:48am
 Re: Here's a link I found to the specs on your printer... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 10:52am
 Re: Here's a link I found to the specs on your printer... - Linda Juenger on 1/12/10 11:02am
 Re: If I recall correctly...big IF - RickG/CA on 1/12/10 12:57pm
 Just because your printer may support it ... -  PAW on 1/12/10 1:50pm

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