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Re: so....
Posted by  Stephen_VA of VA on 4/22/05 2:48pm Msg #33377
Don't be so incredulous that someone would be stunned by such a low price. That price in no way reflects the value of the service we provide. Yes, we have a choice to accept the signing or not, but the $30 offer warrants being stunned.
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Messages in this Thread
 I am still stunned - Joan-OH on 4/22/05 12:12pm
 I am going to take it for granted you said NO! - Jay on 4/22/05 12:16pm
 You bet I did. I have never been offered THAT low! - Joan-OH on 4/22/05 1:11pm
 so.... - anon on 4/22/05 12:18pm
 Re: so.... -  Stephen_VA on 4/22/05 2:48pm
 Re: so.... - John_NorCal on 4/22/05 7:20pm
 Re: I am still stunned -  BrendaTX on 4/22/05 12:38pm
 Re: I am still stunned - Brijoe_WA on 4/22/05 2:16pm
 to anon - Lee/AR on 4/22/05 2:42pm

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