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Posted by Michong Kim-Keys of TX on 5/10/10 2:10pm Msg #335706
Please note: That National Real Esate Information Services has terrible invoice turn-over. I have invoices outstanding since March 03, 2010. When I emailed-no response, called and they basically told me they were having problems and they "were working on it." My response since "March?" Please be cautious when you response to them for closing.

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Messages in this Thread
 NREIS - Michong Kim-Keys on 5/10/10 2:10pm
 Re: NREIS -  LynnNC on 5/10/10 2:13pm
 Re: NREIS - Michong Kim-Keys on 5/10/10 2:19pm
 The Orange search button is your friend... -  JanetK_CA on 5/10/10 2:34pm
 Re: NREIS - Michong Kim-Keys on 5/10/10 2:36pm
 NREIS Terrible/Slow Pay/Cheap ( imho ) n/m - njcloseit on 5/10/10 2:25pm
 IMO, it's more important than ever to follow the forums -  MW/VA on 5/10/10 2:43pm
 No,No,No,No I won't work for NREIS n/m - loma on 5/10/10 4:25pm
 Re: No,No,No,No I won't work for NREIS - Michong Kim-Keys on 5/10/10 6:31pm
 Re: NREIS -  JanelWI on 5/11/10 8:58am

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