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Re: Prime Time Signing service
Posted by Becca/FL of ? on 5/13/05 7:37pm Msg #37641
Prime Time deals with a very (IMHO) disorganized Title Co. in So. FL. I had decided to try them out because they met me fee. I did my fist closing for them and it really was a joke! The docs were drawn wrong, the LO said go ahead even though the lenders instructions said it would need to be re-drawn. The borrowers insisted on correcting the docs and crossing out & innitialing (brother in-law was an atty, you know how that can be) in spite of the fact that I told them doing so could jepardize the funding of the loan. Blah, blah, blah. I was paid in full for that signing & also paid to go back and have a mod. signed two days latter. I was paid timely too.

I did three more for them without any problems then, I got the signing(s) from HELL. It was EOM in March. I got to the brws home @ 10pm and found the brws to be friends of an old friend (the old family friend was @ the home that night). The brws refused to sign because the terms were not as discussed. I called PTC and left. Long story short, I was asked to go back two more times, all late night appts. and by the third appt. they signed. Well, guess what? I was paid a $50 trip fee for the two 11pm appts I went to that ended in no-signs and shorted my fee for the 3rd trip that did result in a signing. I was sent a check for the shortage but will no longer accept work from them - WAY TOO MUCH CRAP!!! I have people I will bend over backwards for that DO appreciate my hard work.

Just my .02
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Messages in this Thread
 Prime Time Signing service - JHS/Fl on 5/13/05 3:11pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Jay on 5/13/05 3:38pm
 Add us to the list too! - Anonymous on 5/13/05 4:07pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:16pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:16pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:18pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Becca/FL on 5/13/05 7:37pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Victoria/FL on 5/13/05 9:09pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Mysti_FL on 5/13/05 11:26pm

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