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Look no further
Posted by GOLDGIRL/CA of CA on 11/21/11 10:29pmMsg #404667
If you want an online course, I recomment the one here. I've taken it the last two times I've renewed. It's FREE if you have a premier membership. It's very user-friendly. You can stop and go whenever you want. When you pass the test, it immediately spits out a completion certificate which you take to the state test with all your other paper work.

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Messages in this Thread
 CA Commission Renewal - 3 hr course -  BarbaraL_CA on 11/21/11 9:38pm
 Take the online class right here n/m -  Linda Spanski on 11/21/11 10:07pm
 I only see NotRot offering 6hr course - want 3 hr course n/m -  BarbaraL_CA on 11/21/11 10:40pm
 OOPS didn't dig far enough - found 3-hr course on NotRot n/m -  BarbaraL_CA on 11/21/11 10:47pm
 Look no further - GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/21/11 10:29pm
 Re: Look no further -  Joan Bergstrom on 11/21/11 10:36pm
 Re: Look no further - GOLDGIRL/CA on 11/21/11 10:58pm
 Re: Look no further -  Joan Bergstrom on 11/21/11 11:34pm
 Re: Look no further - Omega Rose Mobile Notary - Rose on 11/23/11 1:49pm
 NotRot has the best! -  rengel/CA on 11/22/11 4:00pm

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