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Re: Living Trust
Posted by snowy/CA of CA on 11/22/11 4:36pm Msg #404749
Thank you all who have replied. I just came back from the signing and it went great! The atty had provided signing instructions and everything was clearly marked where the familiy needed to sign. It was easier than doing loan docs! Thanks again for all your input. Regards, Snowy.
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Messages in this Thread
 Living Trust - snowy/CA on 11/19/11 10:29am
 Re: Living Trust -  HARRY_PA on 11/19/11 10:41am
 Re: Living Trust -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:00am
 if private, you should tell them whether not you -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:18am
 Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:25am
 Re: Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:31am
 I've never been questioned about my experience for -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:34am
 you're fortunate then...Snowy, take Linda's -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 11:52am
 Re: Why? IMO it's a simple general notary request - Mike Goodey on 11/21/11 11:36am
 Re: Living Trust - desktopfull on 11/19/11 12:11pm
 Re: Living Trust -  Notarysigner on 11/19/11 12:15pm
 Re: Living Trust - CopperheadVA on 11/19/11 11:11am
 Signers or document authors are the ones who -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:14am
 Re: Signers or document authors are the ones who -  LynnNC on 11/19/11 11:56am
 Re: Signers or document authors are the ones who -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/11 12:29am
 Re: Living Trust - John E. Rogers on 11/22/11 4:30pm
 Re: Living Trust - snowy/CA on 11/22/11 4:36pm

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