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Re: A dilemma and weird situation
Posted by  ToniK of VA on 6/21/12 6:44pm Msg #424286
Well the guy states condos don't have land. He has land and is assessed every year on his parcel of land. I'm no expert so I told him I'll voice his concerns with Title. He wants to know if he signs it the way it is how will that affect him when he attempts to sell it.

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Messages in this Thread
 A dilemma and weird situation -  ToniK on 6/21/12 5:49pm
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation -  Carol Graff on 6/21/12 6:03pm
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation -  ToniK on 6/21/12 6:46pm
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation -  HisHughness on 6/21/12 6:15pm
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation -  ToniK on 6/21/12 6:44pm
 Years ago, the insurance sold for condos was an HO3, if - Susan Fischer on 6/21/12 8:11pm
 A condo ins't classified by the type of structure, but by -  MW/VA on 6/21/12 8:26pm
 Re: A condo ins't classified by the type of structure, but by -  ToniK on 6/21/12 8:40pm
 Re: A condo ins't classified by the type of structure, but by - pan/nd on 6/21/12 10:00pm
 What is the definition of townhouse (versus condo)? -  HisHughness on 6/21/12 11:36pm
 Re: What is the definition of townhouse (versus condo)? -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/12 11:57pm
 Re: Similar situation two evenings ago -  snowflake/PA on 6/22/12 1:22am
 Re: Similar situation two evenings ago - VT_Syrup on 6/22/12 5:53am
 title and lender went by the appraiser? that would be scary! -  sigtogo/OR on 6/22/12 11:08pm
 Possible Site Condo? - RJE/MI on 6/22/12 6:10am
 Sorry for the repeated info. Droid isn't user friendly today n/m - RJE/MI on 6/22/12 6:14am
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation -  Jessica Ward on 6/22/12 9:53am
 Re: A dilemma and weird situation - jnew on 6/22/12 3:00pm
 true, jnew, but no doubt there are exceptions to that rule n/m -  sigtogo/OR on 6/22/12 11:00pm
 Toni, if you haven't had enough opinions, see my reponse -  sigtogo/OR on 6/22/12 11:12pm

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