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Re: Yep. ~n/m
Posted by LauriecPA of ? on 7/23/05 10:39am Msg #54103
I completed one closing for them on May 9. Around July 5 I started calling and faxing asking for payment. I was always told "someone will get back to you." Of course, no one ever did. I continued calling until someone claimed the check had been sent. On July 16 I did receive a check... for the wrong amount. I was so angry that I called and left a message saying "Is this Accusigning...Where speed and accuracy are mission critical"? (their logo) "Except when it comes to paying for services rendered?" I called again until I spoke w/someone, they said they didn't notice it was edocs and they will send my $25 right away. It's been a week and no check has arrived. I'll give them 3 more days and start the annoying phone calls again. UGH! The signing itself was a was rescheduled 3 times, over 3 days b/c no docs came, and they even called and yelled at me b/c I wasn't at the closing! (on one of the scheduled dates) Now, why would I go to the closing w/ no docs? (I had kept in touch with the borrower, he wasn't expecting me or anything.) That will be my one and only exp. w/Accusiging.
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Messages in this Thread
 accusigning - moses on 7/23/05 1:21am
 Do a search. Lots of past posts will appear. ~n/m - Melody on 7/23/05 1:28am
 Re: Do a search. Lots of past posts will appear. ~n/m - moses on 7/23/05 1:33am
 Yep. ~n/m - Melody on 7/23/05 3:32am
 Re: Yep. ~n/m - Susie_UT on 7/23/05 8:19am
 Re: Yep. ~n/m - anonymous on 7/23/05 10:23am
 Re: Yep. ~n/m - LauriecPA on 7/23/05 10:39am
 Re: accusigning - Martha_AZ on 7/23/05 12:07pm
 Re: accusigning - Tara58 on 7/23/05 4:53pm

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