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Realtor to accompany me
Posted by Jenny/CA of ? on 7/23/05 12:37pm Msg #54122
I am wondering if a realtor accompanies me to a signing, should I charge less?

He mentioned that he works with another SA, who I happen to know of, that usually does all the talking he is there to answer questions from the borrower.

He asked me if I had done Grant Deeds and Quit Claim Deeds, I was honest and told him I was fairlly new at this and had not. He till asked me for my card. Most of the signings will be in the evening. I know I am going to be very nervous w/ someone there, I'll feel llike some one is looking over my shoulder. I should be happy to have someone there is just that I happen to know the gal he usually works with is very experienced.

Now for a dumb question, if I am going with the realtor, would the signing be considered a "purchase"?

Thank you for your input.
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Messages in this Thread
 Realtor to accompany me - Jenny/CA on 7/23/05 12:37pm
 Re: Realtor to accompany me - Charge more! - PAW_Fl on 7/23/05 12:46pm
 Re: Realtor to accompany me - SDgirl on 7/23/05 12:47pm
 Re: Realtor to accompany me - Jenny/CA on 7/23/05 1:03pm

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