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Re: 02/20/2021 or 02/20/21
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/21/21 4:49pm Msg #629719
When I'm dating stuff myself, I've been using all 4 digits for the year for as long as I can remember, so I didn't have to adjust personally. But I'm no longer asking signers to be sure to include the whole year, as I did in 2020. I let them write their dates however they normally do.
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Messages in this Thread
 02/20/2021 or 02/20/21 -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/21/21 10:47am
 Not loan-signing related...but got so used to writing out - Linda_H/FL on 2/21/21 10:57am
 Re: 02/20/2021 or 02/20/21 - Luckydog on 2/21/21 11:02am
 Re: 02/20/2021 or 02/20/21 -  JanetK_CA on 2/21/21 4:49pm
 Re: 02/20/2021 or 02/20/21 - SteveS/CA on 2/21/21 7:36pm
 I've learned to use a "cheat sheet" with the date for -  MW/VA on 2/21/21 5:42pm
 Re: I -  Doris_CO on 2/21/21 10:00pm
 Re: I don't care how they choose to date now that we are not - ananotary on 2/21/21 10:47pm
 The whole date thing drove me nuts last year. No logic. - DaveCA/CA on 2/21/21 11:33pm
 Re: The whole date thing drove me nuts last year. No logic. - ananotary on 2/22/21 8:24am
 Re: The whole date thing drove me nuts last year. No logic. - VT_Syrup on 2/22/21 8:28am
 Re: The whole date thing drove me nuts last year. No logic. - Luckydog on 2/22/21 8:46am
 Re: The whole date thing drove me nuts last year. No logic. - NVLSlady/VA on 2/22/21 10:16am
 Yes, but that only applies to docs being notarized. n/m -  JanetK_CA on 2/22/21 2:16pm

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