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Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 6/21/22 12:52pm Msg #640928
Title has the final say, in the sense that if they won't tolerate how the notary has filled out the certificate, they can shred the whole deed and try to find a different notary who will do it their way. The relationship between the first notary contacted and the title company will be better if the first notary contacts title and gets a clear understanding of what title will or won't accept, and then the notary accepts the assignment or not.
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Messages in this Thread
 Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 8:27am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 8:51am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  Ilene C. Seidel on 6/21/22 8:58am
 I agree. check with the tc. IMO she's signing with the -  MW/VA on 6/21/22 9:07am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 9:34am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 9:43am
 I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 10:13am
 Re: I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:20am
 They can sign however title wants them to sign - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 10:27am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:36am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 10:48am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:14pm
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign -  Yoli/CA on 6/21/22 11:47am
 Well said, Yoli. I agree 100%. n/m -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:06pm
 Yoli/CA … even if borrower has a valid ID - Gavina Franklin on 6/22/22 5:40am
 Re: Yoli/CA … even if borrower has a valid ID - VT_Syrup on 6/22/22 9:15am
 Re: I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 11:10am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:02am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 10:25am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:35am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 12:11pm
 "Title has the final say."1 - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 12:15pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 12:52pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:32pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  Expeditor on 6/21/22 12:23pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:17pm
 Sounds ike you made the right decision for yourself! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:34pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - PaigeTurner on 6/21/22 1:04pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:18pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:23pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - sue_pa on 6/22/22 10:29am
 IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo -  MW/VA on 6/23/22 9:44am
 Re: IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo - VT_Syrup on 6/23/22 10:52am
 Re: IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo -  Yoli/CA on 6/23/22 1:50pm
 100% spot on, Yoli! I agree with your entire post. -  JanetK_CA on 6/23/22 3:57pm

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