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Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov.
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 9/14/23 9:01am Msg #646759
I just checked the status at and the bill has been passed by both the Assembly and the Senate, and enrolled. It is the enrolled version of a bill which is presented to the governor for possible signature. In more detail:

9/1/2023 Read second time and amended. Ordered to second reading.

9/5/2023 Read second time. Ordered to third reading.

9/7/2023 Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate.

9/11/2023 Senate concurred in Assembly amendments. (Ayes 39, Noes 0.) Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.

9/13/2023 Enrolled version available on Legislature website.
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Messages in this Thread
 I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Lee/AR on 9/5/23 10:17am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 10:39am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 10:52am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/14/23 9:01am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 11:29am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Matt Miller on 9/6/23 8:41am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Matt Miller on 9/5/23 1:54pm

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