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Thank you for posting this. Newbies beware.
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 10/31/23 1:21pm Msg #647099
I've never been subpoenaed to court. This is an eye opener. I know you've been doing this for eons, Lee. Time to move to another carrier...if they are not all like this. Opening up my documents file now to review. Always something, huh?
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Messages in this Thread
 Things we don't think about with E & O - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 8:40am
 Wow...where did you get your E&O? n/m - Linda_H/FL on 10/31/23 9:49am
 Re: Wow...where did you get your E&O? - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:27am
 Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:02am
 Re: Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:54am
 Re: Travelers & CNA Surety - Traci on 11/1/23 5:06pm
 The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:48am
 Re: The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/23 4:04pm
 The burning question - jnew on 10/31/23 12:06pm
 Can't see how as E&O carrier would not have known. - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 2:38pm
 Thank you for posting this. Newbies beware. -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/31/23 1:21pm
 Wow. So much for contacting them--what a scam! n/m -  MW/VA on 11/3/23 8:37am

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