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Re: Find Legal Pros
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/22/23 3:43pm Msg #647463
Whenever there's a business slowdown for us, the scammers promising easy ways to get more work come out of the woodwork. They're the only ones who end up making money from their offerings. There are only a handful of directories, all of which have been around a long time (including this one), that actually provide enough business to be worth the investment (and some of those are questionable for that purpose, based on where you're located).

The best way to test it is to do an online search as if you were a potential client looking for your services, and see if they come up. If they show up at all, I doubt it will be on the first page... Save your money, put your efforts into marketing directly within your local community.
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Messages in this Thread
 Find Legal Pros - Claudia Hebb on 12/22/23 2:10pm
 Re: Find Legal Pros -  JanetK_CA on 12/22/23 3:43pm
 Re: Find Legal Pros - a clarification -  JanetK_CA on 12/22/23 4:37pm
 Excellent advice from Janet - Lee/AR on 12/22/23 4:28pm
 Agree with Janet and Lee n/m -  Yoli/CA on 12/23/23 9:49am
 Re: Find Legal Pros -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/23/23 4:57pm
 Re: Find Legal Pros -  Expeditor on 12/24/23 9:57am

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