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Re: Not just them-- low fees seem to be the new thing
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 12/29/23 2:17pm Msg #647478
You're's not "just" them, but at a time when McDonalds employees just got yet another raise in pay (to $16 an hour for beginners, I think), signing agent fees, for the most part, are stagnant or even getting lower (if that's possible). In addition to that, we're paying more for supplies, gas, and everything else that we need to perform our job. Yet, they ask us to do a full signing for $65 WITH faxbacks! There are still some companies that will pay relatively "decent" fees, but it doesn't seem to be the companies with the most volume. I have increasingly just laughed off the offers that I'm getting. I don't need the work "that" badly.
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Messages in this Thread
 Mortgage Connect -- low fees -  Yoli/CA on 12/29/23 12:25pm
 Not just them-- low fees seem to be the new thing - Lee/AR on 12/29/23 1:35pm
 Re: Not just them-- low fees seem to be the new thing - SteveS/CA on 12/29/23 2:17pm
 Re: Not just them-- low fees seem to be the new thing -  Yoli/CA on 12/29/23 5:17pm
 Re: Not just them-- low fees seem to be the new thing - SteveS/CA on 12/30/23 4:35pm
 Correct, Lee! Yet, TCs & SSs are charging -  Yoli/CA on 12/29/23 2:21pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect -- low fees -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/29/23 9:00pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect -- low fees - garyw148 on 1/4/24 12:06pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect -- low fees - SteveS/CA on 1/4/24 12:33pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect -- low fees - Rosemarie Marotta on 1/18/24 7:59am

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