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Re: Cloud Signings: The Elephant in the Room
Posted by NotaryOH of OH on 2/28/24 10:29am Msg #647855
I have followed up three times on payment of $50.00 for a loan modification completed 12/22/2023. So far, I've been told the following three excuses:
1) Terms are 60 days. (Their first excuse.)

I waited and following up again stating, "According to your net 60, payment should have been remitted on Thursday, 2/22/2024. Please expedite payment." Their responses:
2) We have forwarded the email to accounting and "there" only in on the weekends. (2nd excuse has a typo.)
3) Accounting will be in this weekend to review. (3rd excuse)
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Messages in this Thread
 Cloud Signings: The Elephant in the Room - RMN on 1/6/24 2:12pm
 No, but you got lucky to see this interesting.... - Lee/AR on 1/6/24 2:46pm
 They're a 2 star company! Many have been stiffed. n/m - Lee/AR on 1/6/24 3:22pm
 Re: They - Tammy Stephens on 1/7/24 4:56am
 Re: They - SteveS/CA on 1/7/24 11:06am
 Re: They - Brad Marelia on 1/26/24 12:19pm
 Re: Cloud Signings: The Elephant in the Room -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/7/24 5:06pm
 Re: Cloud Signings: The Elephant in the Room - NotaryOH on 2/28/24 10:29am
 Re: Cloud Signings: The Elephant in the Room - Krista Kammerer on 4/28/24 3:08pm

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