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Re: Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 5/5/24 9:06pm Msg #648386
LOL! Why does that not surprise me... I wonder how many of his students actually ever manage to receive those types of fees. Safe to bet not very many - even for a full assignment, let alone an hour, unless they have contacts at a title co somewhere.
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Messages in this Thread
 Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/5/24 3:22pm
 Re: Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training - SteveS/CA on 5/5/24 4:57pm
 Re: Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/5/24 5:26pm
 Gotta be careful out there in digital wonderland n/m - Lee/AR on 5/5/24 7:01pm
 Re: Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training -  JanetK_CA on 5/5/24 9:06pm
 Re: Got hit with two opportunities to spend $$ for training - SteveS/CA on 5/6/24 12:31pm

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