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Re: No, she did not...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 5/30/24 6:17pm Msg #648548
I agree. Some of the offers I get are clearly not serious, and I don't want to deal in any way with anyone ignorant enough to put a request out there that's so ridiculous.

The worst one I think I've ever seen arrived just this morning via Snapdocs. No takers, apparently, so they sent it out again early this afternoon (which almost never happens here). It's for an 8-page doc, requiring scanback, at a location more than 65 miles from me (in terrible traffic). Their offer? $15... SMH!

Someone who believes that sending the request to an increasingly wide radius of notaries increases their chances of finding a notary to accept - without changing the fee - is someone who doesn't have a clue! Either that or they believe there are notaries out there who are pretty stupid. I don't know if they're right, but for the record, that $15 MIGHT pay the gas for a one-way trip. Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 Incredulous that there can be over 425 SSs -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/28/24 9:28am
 a flake here, a flake there ain't no avalanche - Lee/AR on 5/28/24 10:04am
 Theres is more! -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/28/24 10:08am
 Classic slow-market tactics of unethical opportunists -  JanetK_CA on 5/28/24 1:37pm
 Easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled n/m - Lee/AR on 5/28/24 6:37pm
 Re: a flake here, a flake there ain't no avalanche - SteveS/CA on 5/28/24 1:46pm
 One of my SS clients told me... - FeliseSoCal on 5/29/24 3:49pm
 Re: One of my SS clients told me... - SteveS/CA on 5/29/24 5:57pm
 No, she did not... - FeliseSoCal on 5/30/24 4:10pm
 Re: No, she did not... - SteveS/CA on 5/30/24 4:49pm
 Re: No, she did not... -  JanetK_CA on 5/30/24 6:17pm
 Re: No, she did not... - SteveS/CA on 5/31/24 8:40am
 Re: Incredulous that there can be over 425 SSs - Leo_FL on 5/29/24 8:38am

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