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Good Suggestion SteveS
Posted by Anna Fox of TX on 6/7/24 2:08pm Msg #648596
So many of these sites want to rush us to do a million setup steps in anticipation of work and it is ALOT of hours, especially when added across several sites.

I jump for these customers. I take signing and timeliness seriously. But you are absolutely right about not putting the cart before the horse in sharing private information.
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Messages in this Thread
 ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - TxFox on 6/6/24 6:42pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - pdl/cali on 6/6/24 7:29pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - TxFox on 6/6/24 8:02pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title -  Doris_CO on 6/7/24 12:06am
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - SteveS/CA on 6/7/24 9:51am
 Good Suggestion SteveS - Anna Fox on 6/7/24 2:08pm
 As was mentioned in a subsequent message - Linda_H/FL on 6/9/24 11:27am
 ZigSig: how it works, direct from owner -  Yoli/CA on 6/11/24 2:03pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - MariaMO on 6/27/24 4:37pm

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