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That explains the canudo blasts 1 hr. before Appt.
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 7/27/24 9:43am Msg #648931
and the location is an hour's drive away. At some point, it comes down to a person in a corner of a room in their house surrounded by expensive electronics --and they offer peanuts and waste precious time playing +$5 fee games until we're rushing like a crazy person to make it happen. They can get it done in 2 weeks, but take a month to pay us? Something is bad wrong with this. In these slow times, we ought to be scheduled 2 days before and get docs 1 day before Appt.
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Messages in this Thread
 Deadly quiet. Any one else? -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/25/24 11:42pm
 Just the platform lowballers w/same day jobs 100 miles away - Lee/AR on 7/26/24 7:26am
 Very similar to Lee/AR -  Yoli/CA on 7/26/24 8:03am
 Re: Very similar to Lee/AR - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 10:13am
 Re: Very similar to Lee/AR -  Expeditor on 7/31/24 4:59pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Bear900/CA on 7/26/24 11:41pm
 That explains the canudo blasts 1 hr. before Appt. - Lee/AR on 7/27/24 9:43am
 Re: That explains the canudo blasts 1 hr. before Appt. - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 3:11pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 7/28/24 11:59am
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/28/24 8:03pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - SteveS/CA on 7/29/24 3:14pm
 Re: Deadly quiet. Any one else? - Leo_FL on 7/30/24 7:52am

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