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Re: Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies?
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 8/16/24 7:35am Msg #649078
I'm not sure if you'd call my activities a business. I combine the financial records of my justice of the peace (JP) work and my notary work together. The JP position is part of town government, and in connection with that I administer oaths of office and oaths to people who are about to testify before a town board. Occasionally I perform a notarization for a neighbor. This week I did a notarization for a person who walked into the town clerk's office while we were filling out post-election forms. The town clerk was busy so I took care of it.

I don't charge for any of this.

What I do get paid for is elections. I get paid a low hourly wage for being an election official. As a JP, I don't have to pay for my notary commission. I believe once rules for IPEN and RON are written, I will be able to get the special endorsement for that for free. That amounts to a whopping $60 every 2 years. But I have to pay for my own continuing education online course, about $25.
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Messages in this Thread
 Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies? - Alz on 8/15/24 7:45pm
 Re: Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies? -  JanetK_CA on 8/15/24 10:10pm
 Re: Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies? -  Expeditor on 8/15/24 11:32pm
 Re: Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies? - VT_Syrup on 8/16/24 7:35am
 Re: Out of curiosity, does your business ever give freebies? - Lee/AR on 8/16/24 12:52pm
 Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service - ananotary on 8/16/24 4:03pm
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service -  Expeditor on 8/17/24 8:53am
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service - SteveS/CA on 8/17/24 4:35pm
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service -  Expeditor on 8/17/24 7:38pm
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service - SteveS/CA on 8/18/24 11:17am
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service - VT_Syrup on 8/18/24 5:17pm
 Re: Yes, I have. ONLY when *I* feel led to provide the service -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/17/24 11:03pm
 OK, Alz, what's your short narrative? n/m - Lee/AR on 8/17/24 7:06pm
 In the past, yes. Not so much now. Thanks for the education. n/m - Alz on 8/21/24 8:00pm

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