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Mortgage Connect can't seem to write a letter
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 8/27/24 11:17am Msg #649142
Received the below email from MC Vendor Management this morning:

"Dear Valued Agents,

If you are receiving the auto offer scheduling requests and do not want to receive the requests. The auto offer requests are sent from 412-501-2469. Please do not block the number as it causes issues with our provider."

They go on to say to contact them to be removed from the auto offers.

MC has been really busy lately. I had a slow day yesterday and (so far) today. So, I've been countering just about every one of their ridiculously low blast offers. Most of my counter offers have been for $200 and above. Funny, they haven't responded to any! Wink Hey! They take up my time ... I take up theirs!!

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Messages in this Thread
 Mortgage Connect can't seem to write a letter -  Yoli/CA on 8/27/24 11:17am
 Block 'em, Danno! Great way to get even. LOL - Lee/AR on 8/27/24 1:41pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can't seem to write a letter - SteveS/CA on 8/27/24 2:35pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 8/28/24 3:49pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can - SteveS/CA on 8/28/24 4:41pm
 Also consider the real estate trending information that -  Yoli/CA on 8/28/24 5:02pm
 Yoli,you have always been wise in the marketing arena. Kudos n/m - Alz on 8/28/24 7:23pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can -  JanetK_CA on 8/28/24 5:32pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can - doglover/CA on 8/29/24 5:27pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can - pdl/cali on 8/30/24 12:33pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect can - Iris439/AL on 9/2/24 7:57am
 "... waste my time I waste yours." Concur! -  Yoli/CA on 9/2/24 8:55am
 Re: "... waste my time I waste yours." Concur! - SteveS/CA on 9/2/24 11:14am

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