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Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 9/11/24 11:18am Msg #649240
Yes, I know what you mean. With some signing services, no matter how quickly you respond to an offer, it always seems to be taken before you can accept the offer. I've never fully understood the reasons for this, but it may have something to do with one cell carrier getting the signal quicker than others. Or, it just may be that you are near the bottom of the recipient list. I'm not sure, but you may want to contact the signing service in question and ask them what you can do to move up on their priority list.
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 SIGNING REQUESTS - Darnell/FL on 9/11/24 10:36am
 Re: SIGNING REQUESTS - Lee/AR on 9/11/24 10:59am
 Re: SIGNING REQUESTS - SteveS/CA on 9/11/24 11:18am

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