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North Carolina, an attorney only state
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 9/12/24 11:56am Msg #649243
Seeking your opinion please.

Yesterday, I was contacted by a law firm in North Carolina for a purchase signing today. This is an exchange for a commercial property in NC. It is scheduled for 8:00pm tonight. I did ask the law firm if an attorney would be readily available during the signing and was told, "considering the late hour of the signing, no, no one would be available."

I accepted the signing based on , to wit, Issue 2, Opinion 2. Your thoughts, please.
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 North Carolina, an attorney only state -  Yoli/CA on 9/12/24 11:56am first response to this is - Linda_H/FL on 9/12/24 12:18pm
 Re: first response to this is -  Yoli/CA on 9/12/24 12:33pm

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