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Re: 1003 initial
Posted by  Doris_CO of CO on 11/1/24 12:35am Msg #649574
Remember the old form 1003, where the borrowers were to sign at the top of the page if there was more then one borrower, yet, because of some person in a title company or lender, who didn't read the small print, decided that every borrower signed at the top of the page, even if there was only one.
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Messages in this Thread
 1003 initial - KimmyMD on 10/31/24 5:58am
 Re: 1003 initial - SteveS/CA on 10/31/24 9:19am
 Re: 1003 initials -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/24 11:31am
 Re: 1003 initials - SteveS/CA on 10/31/24 2:57pm
 Good point! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/24 3:04pm
 Re: 1003 initials - KimmyMD on 11/3/24 6:14am
 Re: 1003 initials -  Yoli/CA on 11/3/24 10:29am
 Re: 1003 initial -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/24 12:33pm
 Re: 1003 initial -  Doris_CO on 11/1/24 12:35am
 Re: 1003 initial - KimmyMD on 11/3/24 5:54pm
 Re: 1003 initial - Bear900/CA on 11/13/24 8:51pm

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