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Re: "Loose" certificate in electronic document
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 11/15/24 5:46pm Msg #649648
I'll add that a way to put readers more firmly on notice that a document was notarized in electronic form, and a paper copy is automatically dubious, is for the notary to only type their name on the signature line, and do the PKI digital signature. Don't provide an image of a handwritten signature at all.

Is this legal? It depends on the state's rules. The draft Vermont rules are fuzzy on this point, and I complained about it in the online hearing.
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Messages in this Thread
 "Loose" certificate in electronic document - VT_Syrup on 11/13/24 5:27pm
 Re: "Loose" certificate in electronic document - Matt Miller on 11/15/24 8:31am
 Re: "Loose" certificate in electronic document - VT_Syrup on 11/15/24 3:24pm
 Re: "Loose" certificate in electronic document - VT_Syrup on 11/15/24 3:58pm
 Re: "Loose" certificate in electronic document - VT_Syrup on 11/15/24 5:46pm
 If it's truly guaranteed to be "tamper evident" - Linda_H/FL on 11/15/24 10:17am
 Re: If it-s truly guaranteed to be "tamper evident" - VT_Syrup on 11/15/24 3:37pm

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