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One more thing...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 11/21/24 7:06pm Msg #649702
After re-reading the subject line of your last post, if you have reason to believe the request is from someone who's just on a fishing expedition for personal ID info of the signer, then your decision to redact may be well justified. You might want to make a note about that on whatever you decide to keep in a file, or whatever you use to document what you've done.

Again, you have to use your own best judgment - and be prepared to provide rationalization for your decision, even though it's unlikely you'll ever be questioned about it. We just never know...
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Messages in this Thread
 Question for all my lovely peers re: public request for..... - Mung/CA on 11/20/24 5:52pm
 Re: Question for all my lovely peers re: public request for..... -  canotaryhere on 11/20/24 5:59pm
 I was wondering about the specific entry requested n/m - Mung/CA on 11/20/24 6:55pm
 Re: I was wondering about the specific entry requested -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/24 7:31pm
 request was from a member of the public. That said would - Mung/CA on 11/21/24 12:00pm
 Re: request was from a member of the public. That said would -  JanetK_CA on 11/21/24 6:42pm
 One more thing... -  JanetK_CA on 11/21/24 7:06pm
 Re: One more thing... - James Powell on 11/22/24 6:57am

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